Leaders and Why the Grass Appears Greener on the Other Side: It’s a Matter of Trust

There have been innumerable studies which show very clearly that financial compensation is NOT the primary motivation that employees have for choosing to quit their jobs.
It is generally the negative organizational culture those employees can’t stand dealing with on a day to day basis which motivates them to leave, in order to give themselves the opportunity to feel better.  An additional reason that features high on the list of reasons is whether or not employees feel they will be able to develop a trusting relationship with their supervisors and managers.
Often, the grass appears much greener on the other side.

 The Role of Trust

Studies have also found that this trust factor plays an immense role in workplaces. If employees experience considerate and interested supervisors, they are far less likely to suffer the ravages of burnout and more likely to experience greater levels of work and job satisfaction.
It is this employee/manager relationship which ultimately has a lot to do as to whether employees leave, survive, or thrive in an organization.
If an employee is either experiencing or witnessing workplace problems, the relationship with their immediate supervisor and manager is going to be key in what the employee’s response to their situation is going to be.
We have all had those supervisors in our lives to whom you talk about anything that is on your mind, no matter how apparently controversial or peculiar the issues might appear to be.
And we have all experienced the other end of the supervisor spectrum and have had an individual supervising us to whom we don’t want to raise any matters that have the slightest risk of raising an eyebrow.
The difference between the two individuals comes down to one word: TRUST.
David Horsager, a contributor at Forbes.com suggests the following formula. 

  • Clarity: Be clear with your messaging. People dislike ambiguity.
  • Compassion: People are attracted to those that care for more than themselves.
  • Character: It is easy to do the easy thing, but not always easy to do the right thing. The latter will get you noticed.
  • Contribution: People tend to trust quickly someone who actually contributes and makes a difference.
  • Competency: People tend to trust those that know their job well.
  • Connection: Trust is built on relationships with people. No relationship = no trust.
  • Commitment: People tend to trust those that hang in there through tough times.
  • Consistency: Being consistent with your words and actions is critical.

As you read these character traits, think back to the best leader/manager/supervisor that you ever had in a workplace and whether that person demonstrated these qualities.
If they did, I doubt very much that you ever thought the grass was greener on the other side.
Think about it.